Ask Tom "Update base on join view fails with ora ..." ... Thanks for the question regarding "Update base on join view fails with ora 1779", version Submitted on 7-Apr-2008 12:52 UTC Tom's latest followup | Bookmark ...
Managing Views - Updating a Join View - Oracle ... About Views. A view is a logical representation of another table or combination of tables. A view derives its data from the tables on which it is based.
19.5.3 Updatable and Insertable Views That is, you can use them in statements such as UPDATE , DELETE , or ... For this to work, the view must use an inner join (not an outer join or a UNION ). Also ...
Managing Views, Sequences, and Synonyms - Oracle ... An updatable join view is a join view where UPDATE , INSERT , and DELETE operations are allowed. See "Updating a Join View" for further discussion.
20 Managing Views, Sequences, and Synonyms - Oracle ... An updatable join view is a join view where UPDATE , INSERT , and DELETE operations are allowed. See "Updating a Join View" for further discussion.
20.5.3 Updatable and Insertable Views That is, you can use them in statements such as UPDATE , DELETE , or ... For this to work, the view must use an inner join (not an outer join or a UNION ). Also ...
Updatable Join Views | Oracle Scratchpad 2008年12月19日 - The updatable join view concept is not commonly known, but there are circumstances where it is the most efficient option for updating from one ...
Updateable Join Views - Oracle FAQ Updateable Join Views. High volume UPDATE statements with SET sub-queries can be one of hardest SQLs to tune. Consider the following: UPDATE my_table ...
sql - In Oracle, is it possible to INSERT or UPDATE a record ... 2009年10月31日 - Views in Oracle may be updateable under specific conditions. It can be .... Mostly true, but it is possible to update a join view in some cases.
Key-preserved table concept in join view - Ask Tom - Oracle 2000年8月14日 - And I updated dir$ with new value and it is reflected in the view ... Otherwise, the update of the join would tend to update the row in T1 more ...